Andre Poli
The imaginary being of landscape
André Poli’s trajectory has been orbiting in recent years between painting and sculpture, but also experiencing with ceramics and design. From an experimental practice with materials and the combination of these disciplines, he has distilled the works that we now have in front of us.
For Poli, painting is a territory where speculation about our way of relating and interacting with the world becomes his fundamental discourse. It is a work where sensualism and reflection are combined to immerse ourselves in imaginary landscapes. Landscapes whose perception involves connecting with mental processes where the body is connected to energy. This relation throws the subject into a spiritual introspection, guided by the intuition that the world is an immensity that lives beyond our dimensions. Works whose plots and reliefs recreate places and things as if they were drawn from deep dreams of our conscience. Places and things of transparency, colors and brightness of surreal appearance that demand a new disposition of our spiritual ecosystem to understand the complexity of the modern world.
The act of experimentation with the sculptural material is remarkable, producing surfaces on works made of polished black resin that acquire an iridescent shine. A brightness, a light, that emerging from the same work seems to illuminate the slightly hilly surfaces of the sculptures, creating visual tours rich in details and coming out of their invisibility, in order to create imaginative atmospheres and sensations that reveal a world of perceptions of an accentuated subjective intensity.
PINTA ’19 Booth project curated by Dennys Matos for